Sunday, August 4, 2013

life lessons based on actual life incidents - not made up!

Success comes to those who work hard at it as opposed to those who just dream about it. The reason for that is most things in life are difficult to achieve and take a lot of determination, grit, pain, time, and personal push and motivation to achieve.

Being even a little bit better than your competition goes a long way.

in life results are asymmetric that is you could get screwed even if you are a little bit worse than the next and you could become the other guy's boss if you are even slightly better than the other guy.

Normal guys get normal results. You will setup yourself to achieve nothing in life if you set low goals. But remember that personal growth is a very slow ardorours and deliberate process and you are only as good as your abilities but what is the hard in discovering your limits and boundaries.

Other humans are complex and usually smarter than you think but they are looking for the some things that you are. Love attention validation security.

Other humans are simply objects to manipulate to get to where you want to get in life. If you live like this life will be fine but you may still be lonely in the end. True love is a concept and you may feel it a few times in life but perhaps with different people.

Girls are very different than men!  as different as another species.

You cannot give up on what you want in life even if everybody including yourself says its not possible.

Life is really short. i will regret what i did not do versus what i did. what is there to be afraid of really? unless its a life threatening situation, any other situation should be fine to take risks whether its career risk, asking a girl out, asking for a promotion or opportunity, or pushing your self for greatness.

what worse could happen than being a person who tried and failed than a person who never tried at all.

Life deals you only one hand and you have to make the best of that hand. there is no rematch.

life is not fair - deal with it. i wish it was fair but it is not. bad things happen  to good people.

always try to think how are you adding value? are you providing unique value?  why would a person give you money if you are not providing something of value.

In the same way always think what value are you getting if you are paying for anything?

never sign anything without thinking it through

computers will eventually replace humans for all kind of work and that change is taking place at an accelerated pace

to really excel at something you have to put all your energies heart into it. cannot be an expert with just surface knowledge

confidence is paramount that is respected by men and women alike

women are really clueless in many ways - they love a man who has a plan someone who can lead and has social proof and the resources to provide for her and her offsprings

women also like a man with good physic since it a sign of strength and health and the ability to provide for herself and her offsprings

everybody is a competitor for resources and mates - but sometimes we need to make co operations and bow to a social hierarchy to survive and further our cause

people will not do what you want from them unless their purpose is served in some way

fear and incentives work well for most people

find out a person's weakness and use it to your advantage

stay away from the unhappy and unlucky - they will bring you down with their miseries and life issues and take you to a place where you think of negatives things yourself

4 basic laws for my life:

1. eat like a caveman
2. get strong life a warrior
3. act like a courtier
4. get specialized in something of value

i feel that the truth is that we have not changed much for several centuries and the recent lifestyle changes by humans have clouded our judgement. our bodies are really not designed for modern day foods. also men and women still value physical strength over several other factors.

also the human civilization is built on a social hierarchy and you need to pay the game and play to succeed in the system   it has not really changed since the tribal ages or the courts of Akbar, Tudors etc

in each human civilization developing a specialization is highly regarded for a man. for example Arjuna was a master archer, men have been known to be great sharp shooters

what ever the specialization each generation has something that is highly valued and becoming a master at that would lead to a lot of prestige and value

work like you dont care about the money - with full passion despite rejection fear criticism and ass holes   with time your work will shine or else someone else would know about it as well

always bring attention to yourself - take credit for other people's work and dump blame on other people

dont pass judgements - ask people a lot of questions

dont be afraid of rejection - its really a numbers game in life

create a feedback look for everything

you dont have to think on your feet for everything - a lot of preparation can be done in advance

never thing of yourself as inferior to anyone else and never thing that you cannot make it

anything that is measured and actions are taken to improve it will improve!  be it unmeasurable things such as your mood

we are all creatures of habit - but habits can be changed too either by internal motivation or my external circumstances


quality always bets quantity but it make take 10 times the effort to improve quality
provide novelty to people and they will follow you

IQ is explained by hereditary - 

learn the skill of reading body language and control your body language or manipulate to change your body language

the placebo effect is for real!

a very difficult task for me is to explain complex information to everyday people

speed and aggression is good - use it to your advantage
 sharpness of mind is good too 

listen to good music and watch comedies - stay away from serious and disturbing things including news

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